The Real Life Time Machine

The Real Life Time Machine

Haley Bucci, Staff Writer

High school is supposed to be filled with memories and remembered as some of the best years of your life. Let me just say, it may not have been the best, but I have met so many amazing people that I will never forget. There’s a continuous cycle when it comes to friendship; no friendship is guaranteed. After spending 13 years of my life stuck in a never-ending loop repetitively learning the same things year after year, I have managed to maintain most of my sanity and patience with time. Yes, I had wished that the time would go by faster, but now that high school is almost over, I have finally realized I should have listened to my parents’ advice. Furthermore, it has become more unsettling the more I realize that after this year I won’t have to come back here, and my childhood has finally come to a beautiful end. 

Not only have I found my true calling, but I found it alongside my best friend. I never thought that I would have my career figured out by now, but ever since I joined the volunteer fire department, I have had my heart set on paramedics. I have always wanted to help people but not only does it teach you social skills and how to care for others, but it also teaches you a valuable lesson. Always be kind to others because we are not promised tomorrow. We tend to take things for granted before we can see the beauty in everything around us.

I have lost so many friends throughout my time as a middle school and high school student. My mom always told me that after high school it’s most likely that I will only have one or two friends that I carry with me for the rest of my life that were friends of mine in high school. I’ve come to realize that what she said is very true and now I know why my mom always told me that not everybody is a real friend. what I’m trying to say is, don’t take advantage of good friendships because the good ones are the ones that you can cherish forever. As a high school senior about to graduate, I want everybody to know that it is important to remember all of the good times and reflect on all of the bad because that is what helped shape you into the person you will be in the future.